Russian Doll House

History of Russian Things

The Russian Ushanka Fur Hat: The Perfect Blend of Warmth and Style

Written by Vadim on April 13, 2011 – 6:30 pm -

A Russian woman wearing a white Ushanka fur hat

Russian winters are notoriously cold and harsh, and the Russian people have thus developed many different types of warm clothing for survival and comfort. The ushanka, a type of warm winter hat, is one of these.

Throughout the world, Russians are associated with round fur hats. Round fur hats with flaps that can either be tied or otherwise fastened on the head, or unfolded to cover the ears are called ushanka. More than just a hat, they also serve as protection for the head, as they are thick and strong. However, most people who wear these hats appreciate them for their unparalleled warmth. Ushanka cover not just the head, but the ears and often a good deal of the neck and jaw as well.

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Russian Fur Coats

Written by Vadim on May 1, 2009 – 12:00 am -

Woman wearing Russian mink fur coat

Due to the extremely Cold Winter climate in Russia, especially in the Siberia region in the North, fur coats and other clothing have become a mainstay of life in Russia. Their association with Russia is strongly ingrained in popular culture – movies and television programs depicting Russia or Russian characters, often feature beautiful Russian woman adorned in fur coats, or wearing fur hats.

This article discusses the history and importance of fur, and the qualities of Mink and Sable fur – used to make the finest quality fur coats and jackets.


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